Stockwood Studio OPEN Wednesday - Friday 10-2:30

Entering the 21st Century

At Village Fabrics we are good at designing patchwork quilts and skilled at sewing by both hand and machine.

However when it comes to creating an e-commerce website and social media we are very very beginners, learning a new vocabulary, understanding links and did you know that "cut and paste" has nothing to do with wall papering!

Over the past few weeks we have been joining, creating pages and posting on Facebook. Just when I think I am coping with this and gaining confidence and "sharing" and linking to other pages, my son in law says OK then let's get you set up on Shopify!

Despite wanting to run to my sewing machine for comfort and to stop the jitters I have spent considerable time over the last few days choosing fonts, themes and tags. So OK not panicking here just putting a design and colours together and naming blocks. Almost said bits there but I think they're something else!

Then it's onto domains, preferences and how to navigate, I get sea sick in the harbour. However I want to share our shop with the quilting community not just those who can visit us in our shop. So on we go. Over the next few days we are populating the website and testing links.

Thanks to Tom's expertise and patience and Rosie's support  we have progressed tremendously in a very short time and we have created a website that we hope will inspire, inform and tempt you.

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