Birthday Activities

Birthday Activities

I have just had another birthday, nothing too significant but very nearly, and as my daughter says at least everyone makes a fuss when it is a "big one".

I did have a great day out with said daughter and grandson. We visited Jane Austen's house in the village of Chawton, Hampshire. Jane and her sister Cassandra were quilters and on display there is Jane's diamond quilt, technically it is a coverlet as it is only two layers (no middle layer). All of my family are very interested in history and literature with 5 A levels, 2 History degrees and 1 Combined Humanities degree so it is no surprise that my grandson has already been to three castles and Jane Austen's house before he is 18 weeks old!

Then it was on to my Birthday Bash Sale which as always is good fun for us and great value for you.

Back at the shop Linda has been busy with our new Block of the Month, "Blue by Design". It was all hands to the needles in an effort to take the finished quilt to the West Country Quilt and Textile show this weekend, but with help from Jan and Sheila, we got it finished in the "stitch" of time. It looks really good on the stand.

I'm sure I'll have more news and musings after the show. How many sleeps until Christmas?!

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